2017-18 Unit Plan
Contract Education, Training and Development

Mission Statement

提供改善工作表现的解决方案,以回应社会需要,促进经济发展, 可持续性, 和经济增长. 

Program 描述

《e世博官方网站》第5卷第55170节和《e世博官方网站》第78021节授权的合同教育开展合同指导和咨询服务,是该地区经济和劳动力发展的一个组成部分,将E世博ESBALL与商界联系起来,为健康的加州经济做出贡献. 该系是E世博ESBALL颁发学分的颁发系统, 无学分 and fee-based employee training, and consulting services to employers through The Training Place. 这个基于绩效的项目100%由雇主和就业培训小组资助.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)


Strategic Direction

Contract Education (CE) Highlights

Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement

Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success


Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement

Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Modeling Sustainability

Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness





一项合约教育计划的审查计划将于2017年秋季完成,以提高计划对地区使命的贡献的认识,并通过聘用合约雇主来评估服务, campus-wide departments, 供应商, city and county leaders, 以及表现优异的加州合同教育社区学院ETP/MEC合作领导者. 

Department Goals


Future Development Strategies

战略1 -将合同培训在17-19财年的ETP资金和收入增加25%. (FY15-17 $404k funding)


  • 到2017年8月, 完成雇主培训计划,并获得2017-2019年80 - 95万美元的就业培训小组(ETP)雇主培训资金,以满足雇主定义的需求.


  • 到2017年8月,将培训需求评估阶段的10个雇主合同从70%降至100%.


  • Enroll nonparticipating agriculture, 制造业, 医疗保健, information communication technology, 热情好客, 小企业雇主可以与现有的合作伙伴合作,例如:
    • CCC Doing What Matters for the Economy Sectors– Agriculture, Advanced Manufacturing, Health Workforce Initiative, Information Communication Technology, Digital Media and Small business.
    • “Explore Butte County” Tourism collaborative and employer members
    • NoRTEC funded Grow Manufacturing Initiative (GMI) and Chico Start
    • Identify centralized training services for Oroville, Gridley and Glenn County employers by January 2018.  


  • 与美国退伍军人资源中心共同开发ETP资助的培训项目和就业途径, AFWD and Butte County Human Resource Group managers.


  • 通过建立“超级MEC”合同,继续保持加州合同教育ETP MEC合作指导委员会的领导地位,以保持CCC在全州范围内95%的绩效评级,并提供外联服务,为当地雇主提供区域CE地区的资助选择.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

策略2 -将参与的公共机构和非营利组织雇主的数量增加10%.


·        使用新的2017年全国合同教育品牌宣传品加强外展营销, create radio spots, 并利用现有的电子Butte College The Training Place Augusoft注册系统开发基于视频的营销信息, the Butte College website and email Mail Chimp notification campaigns.  在2017年秋季实施工具,评估影响并根据学习情况进行修改.


·        通过协会会员资格和举办月度会议,继续开展与商业和政府社区合作伙伴的外展活动.  Partners include for Butte County Human Resource Group, North Valley Lean Group, Chico Chamber Business Connections, and NorCal Safety Team.  Active participation in events with Chico Chamber, Oroville Chamber, Oroville Economic Alliance, 3芯, Chico Downtown Business Association, 团队奇科, Butte County Economic Development Group, Explore Butte County Tourism initiative, Butte County Farm Bureau, 查宾概念, North Valley Community Foundation, Work Training Center, Boys and Girls Clubs of Northern California, Northern Rural Training and Employment Consortium (NoRTEC), Alliance for Workforce Development (AWFD), North Valley Energy Watch, Grow Manufacturing and Chico Start.


·        在8月24日之前,将认证收费培训团队从5名教师扩大到10名教师,以满足雇主的需求和全日制教育注册人数的增长, 2017.  CE将与E世博ESBALL各部门和签约学习伙伴合作,从E世博ESBALLCTE教员中挑选关键人才,进行先进制造业培训, BCIS faculty for the Training Place Emerging Leaders Institute, 承包商Cloudwise学院信息技术培训合作伙伴和国家范围内的合同教育发展维度国际培训师. 

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Identify high potential programs and courses, 收集数据, and report Enrollment Management strategies for FTE growth.


·        2017年6月通过培训师认证,获得新兴领导者学院学分(预评估SLO). 与BCIS合作进行课程审批,将培训场所领导学院的注册转换为学分. 

·        与加州消防局签订公共安全合同、培训合同和指导服务协议, California Conservation Corp, and high potential partners such as Northwest Lineman College.

·        定义上传当前合同教育管理系统和Lumens注册数据的技术要求,以提高对商业社区影响的认识,并为注册管理策略提供信息.


·        参与策划和促进E世博ESBALLCTE项目的参与th Annual Manufacturing Expo scheduled for November 16, 2016 brining over 2,500 students and 30 employers together. 

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No



New Community Education Program

·        建立合规程序和结构,以支持社区教育, 根据《E世博ESBALL》第78300条授权并根据第5编第(d)小节批准的信用社区服务类别除外, 第55002节, 不要求州分配,不授予学分(标题5), 55000)”

·        定义任务, 通过对巴特和格伦县的需求进行评估, 确定E世博ESBALL内部和外部潜在的学习伙伴, 设计程序, 外展, use of current Lumens registration system, fiscal management process and implementation time for approval.

·        根据加州社区和继续教育协会(ACCE)的指导方针,建立100%的成本回收策略.

·        确定与需求评估结果一致的机构相关拨款计划,例如 Chico State的终身学习研究所(OLLI)为50岁以上或退休的成年人提供200万美元的教育和活动.  

Current Contract Education Program

·        完成60美元,000 contract with new 2017 Department of Commerce, NIST通过CMTC下属的制造业扩展伙伴关系,在2018年6月之前完成10项雇主调查.  展示的性能增加了合同续签和增加了制造培训服务的资金.


·        根据教育部FIPSE补助金,确定并申请具有高奖励潜力的补助金, Department of Labor Clean Energy grant, 和PG&E Innovator Community Education pilot program grant experience.   

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

策略5 -建立可持续的加州企业学院结构,为加州雇主提供高质量的培训.


       Conducting evaluation of structure, current state contracts, proposal “opportunity” status, technology and members.

       协助收集已建立的加州合同教育ETP MEC指导委员会和TAP咨询委员会的意见,共同确定价值, collect input and value.



  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Current Financial Resources

Employment Training Panel funding, 加州制造技术咨询公司和雇主基金100%回收合同教育项目的成本.  


Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 One Time Augment 持续的增加
描述 Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Community Education 人员 12.326.522.1.682001 1230 $0.00 $31,597.00
Community Education Classified Staff 支持分类员工从SPE/COS的角色和职责转变为支持社区教育.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 使用数据, 各部门之间的研究和合作努力,以开发适当的课程, locations and modalities
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
2 Community Education 人员 12.326.522.1.682001 1230 $0.00 $69,863.00
Community Education - Leadership 支持从SPE/COS到发展社区教育综合项目需求评估的角色和责任转变, 设计, development and implementation.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 使用数据, 各部门之间的研究和合作努力,以开发适当的课程, locations and modalities
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
  • 实行战略性e世博官方网站管理,将财务规划与学生需求和成绩相结合
3 Community Education Operating Expenses 12.326.522.1.682001 5820 $0.00 $15,000.00
Community Education Marketing 每年分发三次的社区教育目录估计为10美元,000加5美元,000 for newspaper and radio advertising.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
  • Providing effective electronically mediated communication (e.g. website, social media, marketing materials, wifi access)
  • Resolving health, life, and safety issues