

增加访问, 保留 and completion of those students who are economically and educationally disadvantaged.


bgi的 & CARE programs offer services designed to meet the educational needs of students handicapped by “language, social and economic disadvantages by providing services that focus on access, 保留和过渡支持计划.

bgi的 Program will have the following program components/ functions:
A.  Management Services Component that includes program administration and support functions, management information and evaluation functions and program eligibility determination functions.
B.  外展, 取向, and Registration Component that includes recruitment functions and services such as bgi的 program orientation, 优先注册协助, 等.
C.  Instructional Development and Services Component that includes curriculum and course development, 辅导, 还有图书服务项目.
D.  咨询服务的组成部分,包括学术, 转移, 职业/职业和个人咨询, 测试/评估服务, 学业进度监察, 以及同侪顾问服务.
E.  Special Activities Component that includes child care functions, coordination/liaison functions with schools and community agencies, 支持文化丰富活动, 以及学术认可.
F.  直接援助服务组成部分,包括补助金, 贷款, 工作研究, 以及财政援助协调功能.
G.  Staff Development and Training Component that includes program staff development and college in-service functions



Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)





In response to student demand and the recommendation on behalf of the program review team to increase hours at the Chico Center, 2014-15学年增加数学辅导.  In 2015-16, hours have been increased and the instructional aide assigned to the bgi的 POWER Center is providing math 辅导 at the CHC.


In 2018-19 the department will focus on a smooth transition with the retirement of the director and one of four full-time counselors who has also been serving in the role of program coordinator.  除了这个过渡重点, the department will also work to improve efficiencies with improved technology and physical spaces.



Increase 保留 and success of the student population served by bgi的.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


A large percent of the students served by bgi的 are identified on the SE dashboard as being disproportionately impacted.  

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Fill Counseling vacancy anticipated by retirement

Debby McCurry has announced that she plans to retire before the start of fall 2018.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


This position represents 25% of the full-time bgi的 counseling staff.  It is critical to program integrity that we be allowed to fill this position. bgi的 has the funds to cover this position, no additional funding will be requested.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

策略3 -会议室技术

Upgrade to smart classroom technology in the bgi的 conference room.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


bgi的 conference room is used by many groups for teleconferences and trainings.  The technology in that room has not been upgraded since we have been in this building and is cumbersom to use.  There is no audio within the technology so the speaker phone on the wall has to be used making it difficult to hear and respond during trainings and presentations. 

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

策略4 -双监视器


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


Counselors and support staff could serve students more timely and efficiently with dual monitors as they are often switching between serveral sources to address student needs.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

策略5 -可调节的桌面

Desks that are adjustable for standing or sitting options for front office staff (2).

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


The two front office staff have tried the smaller options for just raising their computers.  This is not effective as they need to be able to access a number of tools that do not fit on the current devices.  This leads to side bending maneuvers that may lead to back strains.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

策略6 -更换职员主席


  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功


Staff chairs are malfunctioning and/or no longer comfortable due to age of the chairs.  This is original equipment that is no longer suitable due to health and safety reasons.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No



 2017 - 18资金 

bgi的         $ 1352033年

Care $ 351,177

地区$ 223,165


总          $ 1926375年

*根据CCCCO的定义, 最低127美元,813 of our state allocation must be used to meet the required book support component of the program.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 bgi的 人员 $55,000.00 $0.00
兼职bgi的顾问 bgi的 program participation numbers are holding steady in spite of the overall student decline the college is experiencing. 有效2016 - 17, one of our full-time bgi的 Counselors took on the role of program coordinator to meet state mandates. 虽然这个职位为这个项目增加了很大的价值, it has reduced the number of counseling hours we have available for students. Having a part-time counselor to fill the hours lost and to provide a little extra coverage would allow us to keep our student count up with the assurance that students will continue to be served at the level they have become accustomed to.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • Meeting standards and working to achieve goals for course success, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • Providing comparable support services for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
2 bgi的 设备 $12,000.00 $0.00
bgi的会议室技术升级 The technology in the conference room has not been upgraded since the building was put into use. The current system is cumbersome and does not include audio so the speaker phone on the wall has to be used making it difficult to hear and to respond to presenters.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 维护计算机实验室的生命周期更换, 智能教室, 以及教职工电脑
3 bgi的 设备 $4,000.00 $0.00
可调节桌面 健康和安全,以及更好的学生互动
  • 解决健康/生命/安全问题
4 bgi的 设备 $2,000.00 $0.00
双显示器 教职员工可以更有效地为学生服务.
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
5 bgi的 设备 $3,800.00 $0.00
  • 解决健康/生命/安全问题