
  • 让你所有的学生都能看到课堂笔记(如果你用电子方式做的话), 确保你的文件符合ADA/508标准 无障碍文档页面). 教学选项-选择何时提供笔记(之前), 后, 或在讲座期间)根据你的教学目标, noting that many students with and without disabilities will benefit from having the notes available BEFORE the lecture; 是否可以做不完整的笔记/填空以便学生进行研究, 审查, 和/或合作完成它们.
  • 使用视觉, 听觉, AND graphic cues in notes AND during the lecture itself to communicate the structure of the lecture and to distinguish between need-to-know and nice-to-know information
  • 重复或改写问题和回答.
  • Break up lectures into smaller chunks (15 minutes or less) and intersperse with active learning techniques (the On Course program on campus is one source of training in active learning techniques).
  • 记录, 或者允许学生录音, 你的讲座, on condition that recordings are for personal use only and are not to be distributed (be aware of your intellectual property rights, 关于这些的潜在陷阱, 和补救措施)
  • Create examples in 你的讲座 using students’ names (on a rotating basis) and/or interests (hobbies, 最近的热门电影, 等.).
  • 将一些讲座内容转移到其他的展示/学习模式中.e. 思考/结对/组队,同侪课程和演讲等.
  • 通过多种方式传达相同的信息:语音, 在船上写字, 投影在屏幕上的项目(ppt), 垫凸轮, 电脑屏幕图像, 等.)、三维模型等.

向所有学生提供至少两种形式的指导:口头指导, 在顶置投影仪上通过pad摄像头或电脑屏幕(如果非常详细), 提前键入并访问文本在闪存驱动器或通过电子邮件时需要的项目), 纸质讲义(可以为每个小组提供一份,以节省纸张), 在课堂网站, 透过电邮发给学生, 诸如此类.

  • Allow all students the option of working alone if they so choose (when your pedagogy allows).
  • Use the same assigned groupings repeatedly so you can place the student with sympathetic peers, and they can capitalize on prior experience working with one another as the semester unfolds.
  • 尝试通过电子聊天来调解小组交流, 讨论, 短信, 或其他电子文本媒体,而不是通过面对面的演讲.
  • 组织不同的参与方式, 包括计时员或记录员等角色, 让有挑战的学生做出有意义的贡献.
  • 允许“外围参与”——在小组和学生的同意下, the student may sit adjacent to the group and simply observe rather than participate fully.
  • 集 clear behavioral expectations in your syllabus including a sequence of consequences for violating these expectations, 在第一周和学生一起复习.
  • 必要时提供行为期望提醒.
  • 如果违反了行为预期,要按照后果的顺序进行.
  • 构建满足参与要求的不同方式, 包括计时员或记录员等角色, or media such as written questions/responses (paper or electronic) or clicker technology, 让学生选择如何参与课堂.
  • Allow all your students choices to complete work alone or with peers (when your pedagogy allows).
  • 允许学生偶尔选择他们的伙伴/小组.
  • Identify class peer(s) who express willingness to work with the challenged student and occasionally assign these to work with the student.
  • 请提前与网站主机联系, 简明扼要地指出技术上的困难, 并要求修改以使网站符合ADA要求.
  • Locate an alternate website that is compliant and covers the same material or accomplishes the same pedagogical goal.
  • 联系出版商(如果可能的话提前联系), 简明扼要地指出技术上的困难, 并要求修改以使电子书ADA符合要求.
  • 联系DSPS办公室,看看他们的资源中是否有可访问的版本, 或者拥有可用于创建可访问版本的资金来源(例如.E,扫描文本)
  • 在未来, adopt an alternate textbook with an e-book version that is compliant and covers the same material or accomplishes the same pedagogical goal.
  • Keep a supply of inexpensive foam earplugs among your teaching supplies and offer them to all students at the start of any quiz, 测试, 和/或考试.
  • 考虑为学生提供, 或者你所有的学生, the choice whether to take quizzes/测试 in class OR use the Test Proctoring service at CAS (main campus) or the Chico Center 图书馆 and Support Services Center, 设定适当的完成期限.
  • Provide extended time for ALL students taking the 测试 when speed of completion isn’t integral to the skill/knowledge being 测试ed.
  • 使用多个较短的测试,而不是一个较长的考试. This reduces pressure AND has been shown to have better student learning outcomes for all students.
  • 如果学生还没有被批准参加考试, 但你有一个合理的预期,他/她会, 考虑定时测试, 等. 安排考试与课堂分开进行. 在同一时间段结束时,你给你所有的学生(例如, 一个小时), 学生是否换了不同颜色的钢笔/铅笔/字体. 在1.5点(在我们的例子中), 一小时三十分钟), 换成第三种颜色的钢笔/铅笔/字体. 在两个时间点(在我们的示例中是两个小时),更改为第四种颜色. 跟踪每一种颜色所代表的时间段. 这允许你, 在未来, recalculate the grade for the 测试 based on the authorized accommodation (time-and-a-half, 两倍时间, 或无限时间). It also gives the student tangible motivation to complete the application for accommodation.
  • 酌情使用其他评估方法:小组评估或合作评估, 论文, 演讲, 投资组合.
  • Offer for all students to select from a preselected list of options for assessment of learning.
  • 允许“重新提交”选项,让学生修改或重新参加评估.
  • 鼓励学生参加中国科学院有关应试(技巧、焦虑等)的研讨会.).
  • Provide pre-测试 supports (study guides, sample questions, 审查 periods). 更好的是, 学生是否共同开发并尝试完成学习指南和样题, 并在测试前对他们的回答提供反馈.
  • 学期伊始, 为所有学生建立合作伙伴或小组,以便他们联系以获取笔记, 材料, and support in case of absence (allow students to select what contact information they are willing to share with others).
  • 制作课程资料(讲义、视频、课堂讲稿等).)可在课堂网站(Blackboard)下载.
  • 允许重新安排或灵活地设定一些截止日期.
  • 允许以电子方式完成/提交一些工作. If a computer with Internet is not available, perhaps photos of the work can be sent via smartphone.
  • Leverage technology to allow student to participate in class: live video (Skype) or phone (speaker phone) connection, online 闲谈,聊天 and/or 讨论; also see “讲座” area on this page for further ideas.
  • 集, 坚持下去, 明确自己和学生必须完成哪些工作的界限, 以什么方式, 什么时候, for the student to meet the course requirements AND COMMUNICATE THESE IN WRITING when appropriate (电子邮件 can be a good method for this).
  • When appropriate, file an Incomplete grade contract with the student at the end of the semester.


  1. 集 clear behavioral expectations in your syllabus including a sequence of consequences for violating these expectations, 在第一周和学生一起复习.
  2. 提供必要的行为期望提醒.
  3. 与学生单独见面, 讨论你观察到的行为和由此产生的困难, 并邀请学生制定改变这些行为的策略.
  4. Follow through on the sequence of consequences if behavioral expectations continue to be violated.


  • 与学生在课外会面,制定策略:同伴导师/伙伴, 学生服务,如CAS(辅导)或DSPS办公室, 利用技术(例如:通过智能手机拍摄指令照片), 在活动开始前给学生发邮件说明), 组成学习小组, 出席你的办公时间, 等.
  • Provide material such as lesson plan, handouts, lecture notes, activity instructions, 等. 提前通知学生,以便学生通过学习为上课做准备, 寻求辅导支持, 编程通信装置, 等.
  • 允许所有学生选择改变位置(1).e., 站在原地(如需要站在房间后面)以重新集中注意力, 只要不干扰别人就行.
  • 集 clear behavioral expectations in your syllabus including a sequence of consequences for violating these expectations, 在第一周和学生一起复习. Consult with your Dean or the Vice President for Student Services if you would like guidance.
  1. 与学生单独见面, 讨论你观察到的行为和由此产生的困难, 并邀请学生制定改变这些行为的策略. 确定或审查继续破坏性行为的明确后果.
  2. 如有必要,向负责学生服务的副校长提交E世博ESBALL报告. 否则,如果需要的话,记录会议以备将来的E世博ESBALL报告.
  3. Follow through on the sequence of consequences if behavioral expectations continue to be violated.
  • 提交在线工单到 设施 要求适当调整家具布置或其他元素. 如果可能,包括所需的旅行路径,表面的高度等测量.
  • 要求换房间(通常通过你所在区域的行政人员完成).
  • Design a range of activities during each lesson to allow frequent opportunities for rest, 休息时间, 和/或固定活动.
  • Allow students to partially design and manage their own workloads within a range of choices acceptable to the instructor and in alignment with the course objectives and outcomes.
  • 允许学生在需要的时候走出教室休息, 只要你尊重地使用这个特权.
  1. 测量, 或者让学生提供测量结果, 间隙(安装在下面)和工作表面高度所需的高度, 以及旅行路线要求.
  2. Request an appropriate height or adjustable height table or desk for your classroom by submitting an online work order to 设施. 一定要包括测量和行进路径要求!
  • 将小组交流转变为书面(纸张)或电子形式(文本), 闲谈,聊天, 讨论, 电子邮件, 等.)而不是说话,至少部分时间是这样.
  • 允许优先或预订座位.
  • Have all speakers raise their hands, stand up, or otherwise visually cue when they are speaking. 这也有助于确保一次只有一个说话者.
  • 使用讲台麦克风,或向dsp办公室申请一个翻领麦克风.
  • 学生在口头分享之前是否默写答案, 解释说这个过程尊重了沉默中学习效果最好的两种人的需求, 那些在与他人互动中学习得最好的人.

如果你有一个hack,提示,或伎俩不包括以上,请发送给我们 mackinnonka@bobbyingano.com 包括在本页上.

提供的资料仅供参考. 如需法律建议,请咨询法律专业人士.